Too Tired To Move? – How To Beat Fatigue

fatigue, too tired, tired, exhausted, extremely tired,How do you beat fatigue?  Fatigue can range from minor to debilitating where functioning through the day can just seem like an uphill battle.

You may already recognize the signs of fatigue and now your just trying to cope and hopefully get through another day feeling a little less tired than you have been.

So, lets start with the symptoms.

Some of the symptoms that may be affecting you are aching muscles and joints, anxiety, depression, difficulty concentrating, poor memory, fever, headaches, low blood pressure, intestinal problems and pain, irritability, loss of appetite, mood swings, muscle spasms, upper respiratory tract infections, nasal congestion, candida, sensitivity to light and heat, sleep disturbances, night sweats, sore throats, swollen glands (lymph nodes) and extreme fatigue.

Being overweight can also make you feel tired.  Carrying all that extra weight takes a toll on every part of your body, especially the joints.

Losing the weight can help with you feel a sense of rejuvenation not to mention your knees will thank you…ten fold.

Finding out why you are feeling fatigued is the first step.  How to beat fatigue is the next step.

When you decide that your sick and tired of feeling sick and tired that’s the first sign to taking your life into your own hands and taking the first steps to feeling better.  Of course these first steps are often the hardest.  It could be as simple as you making some lifestyle changes to boost your energy level.

Here are some suggestions for you to try:

Get A Good Nights Sleep

I cannot stress how important this is.  Sleeping allows the body to detoxify.  It allows  you to feel refreshed in the morning waking with a clear head to face the day and whatever challenges it may bring you.  The other alternative, not getting a good nights sleep, leaves your feeling cranky, snapping at every little thing that takes place.

Getting into a regular sleep pattern is the answer to better health.  Going to bed at a relatively decent hour every night means routine for your body…something it likes.

Clean Up Your Diet

If your not a fan of eating breakfast now would be a good idea to change.  Eating a well balanced breakfast is a great start to the day and can keep your blood sugar stable for hours giving you energy to get through the morning.

Watch how many empty carbohydrates your consuming.  Look more toward the complex carbs which take longer to break down in the body again giving you sustained energy.  Those cookies and chips will not only add to the waistline but will have you looking for more to eat sooner than later.

Drink plenty of good clean purified water.  This also helps with you feeling satisfied and is a good alternative to coffee or soda which gives you a sense of energy for a short time and then has you hitting rock bottom after the sugar rush has subsided.


Yikes, I can almost hear you sigh as soon as you read the heading.

Something as simply as walking vigorously 3 times a week can do wonders for beating fatigue and stress.  Quite often where’s there’s fatigue there’s stress.

Invest In Nutritional Supplements

Boosting your immune system is a great way to beat fatigue. During the summer months people often think that they don’t need to supplement simply because they eat better.

Well the reality is is that because of where our food comes from nowadays and the fact that there’s preservatives in almost everything we eat, we still need to fill the nutritional gap.

Taking a multi-vitamin is a good first step as well as a protein shake.  There’s a lot of “stuff” out there so it’s buyer beware.  If you live in Canada, always look for a DIN number, this will insure that the company you choose to do business with is regulated in Canada.

The guidelines that company’s have to abide by can save you some disappointment in the long run.  Make sure that these supplements don’t come with outrageous claims.  If it looks too good to be true, chances are it’s too good to be true.

I Can Only Tell You What I Know

As for me, well I’ve been taking a great multi-vitamin for the last 18 years made from whole food ingredients.  These whole foods come from our human food chain, not tree bark or pond scum.  And while you may shudder at the thought, those ingredients are really in the supplement on store shelves.

The company I choose to associate myself with have been around for the last 52 years priding themselves in the field of nutrition and making the best quality food supplements.
What’s the difference between my multi-vitamin and yours?  Quite honestly, an ingredient called Lipids and Sterols or essential fatty acids.  These lipids and sterols have been stripped from our food supply simply because it enables any item that’s made from wheat to stay on the shelves a lot longer.  We need these oils for our cells to feel energized and rejuvenated.

I can’t tell you how many great stories I’ve heard with regard to this product.  After 52 years It would have to be great and be able to withstand the test of time.

About jackierondeau

After suffering for many years with digestive problems I led my life believing that there was no hope. Today I work with people that also believe the same offering them a solution and showing them how to rebuild their digestive system. I'm also a mother, wife and a soccer coach. Being a positive role model to young girls is one of the most important things in my life. Jackie
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