Top 5 Things To Look For When Choosing Your Supplements!

Fruit, Vegetables, Supplements, choosing supplements, Vitamins, vitamin supplements

How do you choose the best supplements for you and your family?

Here are my top 5 things to look for:

1. What are they made from? Is it made from whole foods and not just “natural” sources such as petroleum, tree bark, pond scum, saline gas or oyster shells? Are the products regulated in the country you live in? Most products in health foods stores are not regulated.

2. Does the Company have a Scientific Advisory Board or just a good-looking doctor who endorses the products? Are these scientists involved in research and development of the products? Does the company have their own labs and manufacturing facilities?

3. Is the company involved with organizations around the world such as the World Health Organization, the New York Academy of Sciences, Center of Disease Control, etc?

4. Do they have independent studies published on their products in peer-reviewed scientific journals such as American Journal of Clinical Nutrition? Are there any clinical studies done on humans on what the products do at the cellular level?

5. Do the products work?

If you answered Yes to the above, then you’ve obviously done your research.  Kudos to you for taking the time to do so. If you answered NO then it’s time for you to take action and start taking charge of your health.

About jackierondeau

After suffering for many years with digestive problems I led my life believing that there was no hope. Today I work with people that also believe the same offering them a solution and showing them how to rebuild their digestive system. I'm also a mother, wife and a soccer coach. Being a positive role model to young girls is one of the most important things in my life. Jackie
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