Stop Acid Reflux Before It Stops You!

How do you stop acid reflux?  Is taking an antacid your perfect solution? Find out ways to prevent acid reflux before it hits you.

What triggers acid reflux?
Acid reflux is when there’s a backflow of stomach contents upward into the esophagus which causes a burning sensation. Often so unbearable to live with it can keep you up all night or propped up with multiple pillows just to keep the burning at bay.

Think about some of the things you’ve eaten today or perhaps the things you’re about to eat.  All of these foods contain seven basic components; Carbohydrates, simple/complex, proteins, fats, vitamins, fiber and water.

The body’s goal is to digest food and use it to keep you alive.  It’s the process where simple foods are broken into simpler substances, which the body then uses for energy and tissue building.

So what happens when the food you eat cause you discomfort?  Well, a couple of things can happen, you can get heartburn, feel bloated, sore throat, indigestion or even worse you have to deal with the f word…flatulence!

The lining of the stomach protects it from the effects of its own acids but because the esophagus lacks a similar protective lining, stomach acid that refluxes into it causes pain, inflammation and eventually damage.  It can hit you at any time without warning.

In an article published in the Toronto Star, “Study links cancer to heartburn.”

The article states that sufferers can be 8 times more likely to develop cancer of the esophagus.  “Physicians and patients need to be more aware of this” warns Dr. Norman Marcon, a prominent Toronto gastroenterologist.

Reflux is extremely common, with an estimated one in four adults experiencing heartburn at least once a month.  Having the occasional bout of heartburn carries little threat of cancer.  But doctors in Stockholm found the risk was about eight times higher in people who experienced heartburn once a week.  If reflux occurred at night the risk was 11 times higher. 

These finding are published in The New England Journal of Medicine.

“Cancer of the esophagus remains relatively rare”, says Dr. Marcon, “and the over-all risk of developing the disease remains low.  But the disease is frighteningly deadly.”

Acid reflux facts.

Many people believe that indigestion results from excess stomach acid, an assumption that is understandable given the “burning sensation” which accompanies stomach distress.  As we age our stomach acid depletes and so we don’t digest as well. Therefore, acid insufficiency, is a much more common cause of indigestion.  Without ample acid, food cannot be fully digested, absorbed or utilized. 

The problem doesn’t end there, nutritional deficiencies can result if not enough stomach acid is present to promote the absorption of key nutrients, such as calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamin B12.  

Chronic use of antacids makes an already under active stomach even weaker and only address the symptoms of indigestion.  Proteins and minerals become increasingly difficult to break down and absorb.  Bodily tissues can be starving for these vital substances even though one may by consuming them.  The promoters of antacids don’t tell you that their products may actually contribute to degenerative diseases.

Curing acid reflux.

I suffered with heartburn and indigestion for years. Even as a young child I can remember the burning sensation in the back of my throat.  I would even avoid eating certain foods which I knew would make me suffer.  I had dark circles around my eyes and looked lethargic all the time.  After doing some research I realized that it made more sense to strengthen that weakness than it did to stifle its symptoms. 

I was very fortunate and was able to find a natural acid reflux cure a digestive aid which was formulated to address the causes of improper digestion.  It supports the body’s natural digestive processes with hydrochloric acid and enzymes that break down milk and sugar.  It releases hydrochloric acid in the stomach at a controlled rate similar to natural gastric secretion. 

The result…a more effective digestion through a supplement that is safe and well absorbed.  18 years later, I’m still taking these supplements and have never felt better. No more heartburn, indigestion, burping, bloating or gas.  

My years of taking every antacid pill and liquid are long gone!

About jackierondeau

After suffering for many years with digestive problems I led my life believing that there was no hope. Today I work with people that also believe the same offering them a solution and showing them how to rebuild their digestive system. I'm also a mother, wife and a soccer coach. Being a positive role model to young girls is one of the most important things in my life. Jackie
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