Variety Is The Spice Of Life

womens health, womens health, womens health magazine, women's health magazine

Courtesy of Women's Health Magazine

I love to read and in this months issue of Women’s Health Magazine there is a great article titled, “words to eat by”. 

It’s four pages of tid bits of information that we can all digest.  Sometimes the toughtest things to read are articles that seem to drone on forever repeating over and over again what could have been summed up in the first two paragraphs.

Here are some of the things that this article has to offer. 

Squeeze lemon and lemon zest over food for a whole lot of flavor.  I’ve only just started using lemon zest on food and boy does it give food a great taste.  Combine that with some olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and you have yourself a great salad dressing.

Where’s the beef?  Beef gives you considerably more zinc, iron, and B12 than chicken does.  No need to convince me to eat beef, however, I would still limit the amount of servings per week due to the saturated fats.  Of course, vegetables should be the bulk of your meal and no this doesn’t include the potato. 

Not a fan of flaxseed?  Try pumpkin or sunflower seeds-two more great sources of healthy fats and some fiber, says HW contributor Keri Glassman, R.D., author of The O2 Diet.

Look at the nutrition facts and the ingredients list which has more of an explanation than what the front of the box may say.  Low fat can often mean high in sugar.  Remember the ingredients list is written with the highest amounts first.  Example, if sugar is listed first that ingredient is more than anything else in that food which probably means you should stay away from it.

Spice up you life!  Look for spices that add some zing to your food.  Try a spice you haven’t tried before to spice up your food and give your palate a work out.  Adding spices can replace other ingredients in you receipe and they also have many health benefits.  Adding fresh herbs are flavorful and smell great!

When creating snacks for yourself, go for a complex carb and a protein.  The complex carb breaks down at a slower rate in the body and a long with the protein means you’ll be satisfied longer.  Let’s just say you won’t be looking for a rice cake…

Don’t eliminate a whole food group.  Eating a balanced meal that consists of both carbs and protein is the way to go.  Eat in moderation and don’t forget to drink good, clean filtered water to cleanse the body and also help get rid of unwanted fat.  

Relax when you eat.  I often see people that are always rushing around when they eat.  Food is meant to be enjoyed, savoured and appreciated.  Our fast paced lifestyles has given way to actually sitting and enjoying our meals and our families.

Lastly, enjoy everything in moderation.  Eat a diverse diet and try new and exciting things.  I’ve found that my family loves it when the same old becomes something new.  Half the battle is knowing what to cook and there are so many exciting receipes on line that its not hard to find great tasting healthy food to eat.  Remember, if you feel like you’re not getting all the nutrients you need bridge that nutrtional gap with a supplement.

For the entire article pick up the November issue of Women’ Health.  There’s lots of great info in there.

About jackierondeau

After suffering for many years with digestive problems I led my life believing that there was no hope. Today I work with people that also believe the same offering them a solution and showing them how to rebuild their digestive system. I'm also a mother, wife and a soccer coach. Being a positive role model to young girls is one of the most important things in my life. Jackie
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